Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cinematon! Cinematon!

Adrian here:

elcome to Cinematon! Cinematon!

In response to the growing trend of blogathons in the film blogosphere, four Filipino cinephiles, Sani, Adrian, Fidan and Epoy merge to create a series of blogathons to analyze, 'problematize', laud, incarcerate, resurrect and demystify both the lost and growing trends in Philippine cinema and world cinema at large. On a group discussion over a cup of coffee last Septembet 17, 2010 at Cine Europa 13, the group felt the need to go against the traditional trend in film criticism. After forging their ideas and unwrapping several approaches and attacks to the problem, Cinematon! Cinematon! was born.

Hence, my dearest readers, this blog is created not under film criticism standards. Cinematon! Cinematon! values the school of eclecticism and pluralism: a way to attack cinema at various points of views using different approaches rendered under different mediums to create an approximate picture of the whole. From poem review to Neoformalism to photo review to interviews and podcasts to painting, sculpture and random link rolls in English, Filipino, Latin , Russian or French, Cinematon! Cinematon! commits to be a different venue for cinema: an alternative, revolutionary and comprehensive site for everyone to love and hate, to criticize and applaud, to denounce and recognize.

After all, cinema is revolution.
